You don’t have to worry about being smart to be successful.

Jamika Nasaputra
2 min readApr 9, 2023
Photo by Didssph on Unsplash

In this era of content, we’re sometimes too obsessed with looking smart rather than being smart. We’re to worry about making mistakes rather than learning from them.

We know that looking smart on a certain job platform (a.k.a LinkedIn) can lead us to “success”: get noticed by the hiring manager, get a lot of followers, reactions, and all of those engagement numbers.

But it’s easy to be known as a smart person nowadays.

We have all the tools and access to ask questions and get every answer simultaneously. We can easily copy-paste, change some wording, publish it, and let people think we’re smart enough to the object we share (even if we don’t).

If they said: fake it until you make it — in my view, for this one, you don’t need to.

It’s okay not to look smart; it’s okay to admit a mistake or not to know everything. Because “smart” it’s not the only thing we aim to grow, personally or professionally.

Looking smart isn’t enough. We need to be genuine. To be genuine, we must be honest that we’re still growing.

Growing means continuous learning.

Growing is learning; we’ll never feel smart enough as we learn.
And if we are humbled enough always to learn, we’ll become wiser in fulfilling our expectations.

Have patience. Because as we grow, we will face sorrow.
Be humble because learning is about knowing that we’re vulnerable.

And as we stay the course, being smart and successful (along with all those numbers) will automatically follow the chores.

Good luck!



Jamika Nasaputra

A Mother and a UI/UX Designer. I wrote things about Productivity, Working-Mom related topics, and of course about UX Design. Enjoy :)